INCLUSIVO is a fair trade and social action project that objectives are to eradicate extreme poverty in Chile. It generates work for micro factories with low costs production and minimum expertise, key factors to overcome poverty in short term. The project is by Un Techo para Chile, a Chilean nonprofit foundation, and the designer Rodrigo Alonso.
Rodrigo designed the ARMO Shoes for the INCLUSIVO project, the design permits a very easy and simple production process, a very low investment, and a minimum storage space. Each piece is individually finished and has the stamp of the group of people that produced it. Each pair of shoes is sold in an envelope. The pieces can be assembled, flattened and customized. The shoes are very light, comfortable, and can be carried in small handbags and suitcases. The ARMO shoes will be soon available to purchase through the best of made in e-commerce tool. ARMO shoes is a product made with heart, hands and hope…