7th World Urban Forum by UN-HABITAT

The 7th World Urban Forum (WUF) will take place in the city of Medellin, in Colombia from 5 to 11 April 2014. It is the World’s Premier Conference on Cities, a non-legislative technical forum organized by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat). It is organized every two years in a different city to examine the most pressing issues facing the world today in the area of human settlements, including rapid urbanization and its impact on cities, communities, economies, climate change and policies.

The theme of this year’s forum is  “Urban Equity in Development – Cities for Life”. In addition of being an opportunity to discuss the state of the cities of the world today, the forum will be preparing the Post 2015 Development Agenda, and the review of the urban agenda in Habitat III in 2016.

The programme includes dialogues, round tables, special sessions, training events, urban talks, exhibitions, and much more.

Anyone can join the discussions on the URB.im network.


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