La Cuccagna Project: A Farmhouse in the Centre of Milan

Cascina Cuccagna is the name of the XVIIth century farmhouse in the centre of Milan that creates exchange opportunities for people from different generations and cultures. It is a bottom-up project dedicated to culture, environment, food and social interactions.

THE FARMHOUSE: It was built in 1695 in Milan, more than 4000 square meters of covered spaces and gardens surrounded by high buildings in Porta Romana area. It is Esterni, a cultural enterprise in collaboration with a group of non-profit associations that started in 2008 the renovation of the old farmhouse to save it from abandonment and decay. They are transforming it into a multifunctional public space for people, culture and activities. The investment needed is three millions and five hundred thousand euro (3.500.000,00). The project received financial support from Fondazione Cariplo and Banca Popolare di Milano. Still half of the amount is needed. There are several ways to contribute by giving a donation, by becoming a project partner or sponsor, or by becoming an Urban Farmer. In this last case the urban farmer can actively take part in the project by becoming a member of the consortium’s advisory board.

The Cascina Cuccagna Project focuses on three thematic areas of intervention:

– Environment and Food

– Culture and Territory

– Cohesion and Integration

ACTIVITIES: At Cascina Cuccagna several services are offered to visitors and participants: eat and drink at Un Posto a Milano; do shopping at La Bottega di Campagna Amica and at the Mercato Agricolo Della Cuccagna; learn new skills at the University of Sustainability or at the different laboratories dedicated to kids and families; Participate in different activities of sharing and exchanging experiences, time, books, etc. at Banca del Tempo, GAS Cuccagna, and several other group activities; Suggest socio-cultural projects and activities; Collaborate at the Cuccagna Community Garden; and sleep at low-cost at te Ostello; and starting February 2013, 26 new projects will take place.

Images: Courtesy of

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